Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Teddy Bear Picnic

I signed Katie up for a program at the library... bring your favorite teddy bear for a picnic! Doesn't that sound like fun? Stories, songs, games, crafts, right up Katie's alley! Well, have you ever been to a party where they played musical chairs? Was there an obnoxious kid who upon realizing they were "out" started crying, kicking and screaming? Yeah, that was my kid today. There she was, happy as a lark skipping around the circle and when the music stopped there was a bottleneck and everyone else scrambled to get a spot and my heart sank when I realized she was going to be the one left out. My sympathy quickly turned to horrified embarrassment as she was literally on the floor kicking and screaming like a 2 year old yelling NO, NO, my bear is not out!!! We just aren't into those high pressure competititive games yet. And we're working on finding some new coping strategies for when things just don't go our way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sierra hates to lose as well. I think it's happens more often at this age then parents would like to admit!