Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sibling Rivalry is Rearing its Ugly Head

So far we've been really lucky in regards to sibling rivalry. Ryan and Katie get along great and are somewhat gracious and congratulatory when the other has something special going on. Of course there are the little digs here and there, "I got to have a piece of cake while you were at school." or "We watched a show in the car without you." and my personal favorite, "I got a brontosaurus and you didn't." Surprising how important is the shape of a vitamin! But things really came to a brutal head tonight at dinner and here's how the showdown took place....

In school Ryan can earn a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut from reading books, so he earned his certificate for October and off we went for dinner tonight. The whole way there Ryan's excited, jabbering on and on about his free pizza. To the point that Katie is getting jealous. Extremely jealous, and points out that she's read those exact same books as Ryan so why can't she get the precious certificate too? Good point. So we promise her that we'll get her a personal pizza too, no big deal. Until as we're eating our personal pizzas and Ryan continually points out that his is free. Katie's in tears over this. Excuse me, isn't all your food free? Have I ever made you bring your wallet along when we go out and make you pay for your own dinner? If you're going to be jealous about something, can't it be an actual discrepancy in fairness?

So this is why we will continue reading our books, but we might not have the celebratory dinner with the free pizzas anymore!


Robyn said...

Well, Caleb does this to lec all the time... Except Alec doesn't talk yet so I guess it's not all bad... Now I see what I have to look forward to! Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! I only laugh because we have the same stuff around her now and then. Not between Kate and William, but between William and Henry. the other day David took Henry to McD's, and boy I thought William was going to have another stroke when he got home. But I explained to him that not everyone gets all the same stuff...last weekend YOU got to go camping alone with Daddy, and had s'more and lots of fun while we all stayed here. And Kate, you and Mommy are going birthday shopping with Memiere next weekend, and then out to lunch, so you see? We all get something fun, but different.

That actually seemed to help, believe it or not. I learned that trying to make everything equal all the time made our problem worse... Now I explain it more along the "different but equal" line.