Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Dinner Surprise!

Yesterday at dinner Claire climbed out of her seat and walked across the table to where I was sitting, begging and pleading for a bite of my food. I can usually blow her off when she's trying to get bites of chips, cake or other junk food, but she was VERY persistent. She always eats whatever we're eating for dinner, but I've never give her this item because well, with the limited chewing that comes with 4 teeth, I didn't think she could handle it and I didn't want her to choke. Well, she happily gobbled up and gummed all of mine and begged and pleaded for more. Tonight, I made her her own! What is this desired food she just couldn't live without?

You'll just have to watch and find out!
After 5 years of living with Katie, I never would have seen this coming!


Robyn said...

Wow! That's awesome!

Alec is a salad eater too! :)

Anonymous said...

Good for her! Kate is the only one of mine that would eat it, she would have eaten anything!

Get 'em started early! Go Claire!