Sunday, October 26, 2008

Air and Scare

Last year Tim and the kids went to Air and Scare at the Space Museum and raved about it all year. So much, that I was really looking forward to going to it this year. Well, word must have gotten out about how great it was because everyone and their brother was trying to get into that place. We sat in line in the car for an hour and a half just to even drive into the parking lot (mind you, this place is about 6 miles from our house) and then waited some more to get into the building. Then, like poor desolate beggars, we waited in long lines at several candy booths throughout the museum for a single piece of candy which we immediately devoured because we were so hot, sweaty, and hungry. There were some cool activities, and Ryan and Katie had fun. I guess that's all that counts, right?

Katie drew a really cool space picture.

Ryan was really good at "Ghost Blaster". Check out his aim, he's quite a sharp shooter.

Ok, maybe Claire didn't have such a great time.
I don't think we even gave her any candy... poor thing!

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