Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

We had a fantastic Halloween! Katie had her costume on at 7:30 this morning, and didn't take it off until bedtime! She loved being Tinkerbell! There was a kid we kept bumping into throughout the neighborhood that would shout to Ryan, "Rock on Buzz Lightyear!" He was thrilled and felt like a superstar! And Claire. Ahhh Claire... everyone just loved her Itsy Bitsy Spider costume. Walking around with all those little legs just bobbing around, she was easily the cutest one on the block!

Claire was a quick study in the art of trick or treating. At the first house she was a little uneasy about walking up to the door with the big kids, but she quickly realized what was happening and grabbed her little candy bucket and shoved her way to the front of the group and held it out for some treats. At the second house, she was first in line and held it out anxiously. When the guy dropped some candy in it, she peered way down in there to see if it was a type of candy that she might enjoy. By the third house, she was helping herself to the candy and putting it in the bucket herself. Later on, when I tried to just hold her at the edge of the sidewalk while Ryan and Katie went up to the door, she fought to get out of my arms and took off chasing after them. As soon as we all got home to unload our goodies and take stock, she was sucking on the candy bars and trying to chew them through the wrapper. Now, mind you, there is no way Ryan or Katie would have had candy bars at this age! They didn't taste the sweet goodness of Halloween until they were 3 at least! Claire is just so persistant and doesn't want to miss out on what the big kids are doing! She did get a few bags of pretzels so that's what she munched on while we were sorting and picking our favorites --along with whatever mushed up chocolate melted and absorbed through that wrapper she sucked.

Here's something fun we like to do with our candy... make a candy graph! Then we can count and see how many different varieties we have and which type has the most and least. Then mommy and daddy snarf down as many as we can after the kids go to sleep! This year I told the kids about the Switch Witch, the little old lady who comes at night to take any candy you want to give to the poor kids who couldn't afford to buy a costume and go trick or treating. She switches your candy for money! And since the kids spent all their money in Disney world I figured they'd be excited to get some money in exchange for all that candy. So that's how we unloaded about half of our stash. Tim will be taking the rest of it to work next week and we can avoid the first pitfall of Holiday weight gain this year! Now if there were some way to make Thanksgiving fat free...


Robyn said...

Awesome idea! We avoided getting a load of candy, so we are int he clear! Now... to get thru Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the story about how Claire evolved over the first few houses. They always say that the younger children mature faster...they experience a lot more at an earlier age.

Every time I feed Ella something not-so-good for her, I remind myself that Kate never would have had this... It helps keep myself in check a little...guilt. You know, there's nothing like guilt to make you do the right thing!