Saturday, January 17, 2009

When did I sign up for this job??

Laundry... I think the most difficult thing about adding a third child to our family has been the laundry! Claire's clothes aren't big, and she was never a spitter-upper so she didn't go through extra outfits each day, but ever since she was born I have noticed that I'm always behind on laundry. There's just NO time. I can manage getting the load into the machine, it's the folding and putting away that never happens. So I end up with "the laundry chair" as I like to call it...
So... do I want to deal with tackling that huge monster once a week, or do just one load of laundry every day to keep the monster at bay. Hmmm, tough choice! Since that hasn't worked out for me, I think I'll start doing a little bit each day. Maybe that will cut down on the number of lost socks too, if everyone's laundry stays separated. I can only hope!


Robyn said...

We have one of those "chairs" too, only ours is an ottoman in the basement. LOL!

Kristen@nosmallthing said...

I've got a chair too. Unfortunately, ours is in the family room. But actually, it does help me keep things folded...since it is right there in front of me all the time, I don't forget about it being there. And I do one load a day, minimum, and can usually keep up. Good luck!