Saturday, January 10, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

In the past month Claire went from having 4 lonely little teeth to now having 10. I'm thinking of enrolling her in a 12 step program for her addiction to Hyland's Teething Tablets. Every time she sees the little bottle she wants to get some. They must really work wonders for her teething pain. I cannot imagine how weird and painful it must feel for her to have almost all her teeth coming in at once so I always give in and let her have 2 or 3 tablets every time she asks for them.
So much is going on with the teeth in this family lately, we need to install a revolving door for the Tooth Fairy. I could probably make a very gross tribal necklace with all the teeth that are falling out around here. Ryan had a huge gap on the bottom for a while and now his permanent teeth are in down there and he has a gap on top! And Katie just lost her 3rd tooth on the bottom! They love to stick their tongue into the gap, and use it as a place for their straw.
Maybe it was the grossness of looking at the wiggly teeth hanging on by a bloody thread, or trying to help them brush them without using any pressure, which is impossible! But I never really got sad about them losing their baby teeth. Until today I noticed some tiny white ridges coming up through Katie's gums and burst into tears realizing that her *adult* teeth are on their way in! She's only 5-- how can any part of her be "adult" yet?!

So that's what's coming out of the mouths of my babes...


Anonymous said...

We're having the same stuff going on around here. Lots of teeth coming in, lots of teeth falling out. And the tooth fairy isn't doing a very good job. She's overworked.

Me said...

I have never heard of those tablets, I might have to look into them. Vanessa hates the Orajel we use on her. Susan