Friday, July 24, 2009

The Fun Ship

Carnival advertises as "The Fun Ships" and they truly are. It is the ideal vacation for a large group- big enough with enough variety of activities on the ship find individual activities, and small enough to reconvene at times to enjoy family time. We had people ages 2-66 on board the ship and found something fun for everyone to enjoy. Including "Camp Carnival" for the kids. None of our kids wanted to be separated from us, as I predicted, but maybe on a future cruise the lure of bright lights and video games (ahem Ryan) will entice them. Ryan was invited to a party one night in one of the lounges from 10-1am! Fun Ship indeed! These kids are learning how to party hard core from a very early age!

The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins on the ship. They loved the pool and waterslides and especially the mini golf course up on the sun deck. I don't know what Ryan would have done without that!

Tim and I had a good balance worked out which included me taking the kids back to the cabin after the nightly show had ended around 10pm and getting them settled into bed (after a bit of swinging from the bunks like monkeys) while he went to the casino for a couple hours with the guys. He enjoys a good game of Craps and has gotten either very good at it or very lucky. He won 60 bucks one night, the same night that someone lost 200, so he must have felt a little smug about that!
And before you get to feeling sorry for me that I had no free time... my me time came in the mornings. I snuck out very early and was usually the very first person at the gym. I enjoyed a nice workout and then sat on the sun deck watching the sunrise, in a quietnesss only the first one awake on the whole ship could enjoy. Then I took a nice long hot shower in the spa, where they have an unlimited supply of towels and tons of space, not like the little mini-shower stall in our stateroom with the floppy nozzle that keeps twisting and pointing in the wrong direction.
It is the little things, you know, and when all the little things are just right, they add up to make one very happy vacation.

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