Friday, August 21, 2009

Goodnight 5 year old...

I tucked my sweet little 5 year old into bed tonight for the last time. She is so perfect and snuggly sweet in her new bed. She jumped from a twin to a full, so she looks so little laying on that huge mattress!

As I whispered to her, "Goodnight little 5-year-old," for the last time, she just looked up at me. She is soooo not sentimental, not a thought spared for savoring childhood. She just said right back, "Goodnight big 33-year-old," and that was the end of that. No, she has no time or patience for mushiness or syrupy sweet musings about growing up too fast or things I remember doing when I was a little girl. She is all business. Very matter-of-fact. She is thinking about the party.

THE party. The Webkinz party. Have I finished making the Wheel of Wow? What about the gem mining? What other games can we have in case the things we've planned leave a lot of extra time? Do we have enough ribbons and flowers for the hairbows? What if the girls forget to bring their webkinz pets? What if the other girls have boy webkinz and they don't want to make hair bows for them? What prizes do I have to give away? Do I have enough prizes? Do we have enough cheese and toppings for the pizza? What if someone doesn't like the topping choices I bought? Ok, all these concerns are things that have crossed my mind as well, but the 6 year old birthday girl should not be worrying about them!

Tomorrow when she wakes up, we will snuggle together and enjoy breakfast in bed and I'll pull out her scrapbook and show her the pictures of when she was a baby with the cutest little punchy cheeks that were so thick and so fat I couldn't even tell if she had any teeth. My little baby Katie... all grown up.

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