Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sassy Mouth

Combine being the baby of the family with some super cute bouncy blonde curls framing an adorably pouty mouth and dimpled cheeks and you really can go far in life! Let's just say Claire is used to getting things her way.

But we've been putting up some resistance lately. Maybe it's a little late for that, but we're trying.

She wanted a piece of cheese. Actually, she pulled her wrap apart to pick the cheese slices out of it and toss the rest off the side of her plate. Tim stopped her and reassembled her wrap and told her what we always tell her when she tries to eat nothing but cheese for every meal... too much cheese isn't good for you. And Claire came back in his face yelling, "It's yummy and healthy, what's the deal with you?!"


Sometimes Claire likes to play by herself. She will be upstairs quietly playing with her dolls or changing her clothes or rearranging her stuffed animals or flossing, or who knows what else. When I call to her, I just want her to acknowledge that she hears me, a little reassurance that she hasn't left the house, since those childproofing doorknobs are soooooo effective.

So one day I was calling and calling and calling her name, starting to get worried that she wasn't answering me. I opened the door to the basement and hollered down there just in case she had slipped down there, and called up to the loft, and checked the pantry where she can sometimes be found sneaking granola bars or chocolate chips. She suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs with a really annoyed look on her face like it was soooo inconvenient to answer me. "I'm playing up here, what's the problem?" She asked, in a tone that matched the look on her face.

Oh we're in trouble with this one.

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