Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pool Time

Well, I survived my first trip with the kids to the pool for the season. As suspected, Claire was in heaven splashing around in the water. She was squealing and clapping as she ran through the fountains and kept wanting to wade deeper and deeper into the pool, chasing after the big kids. Of course she doesn't realize they are 2 feet taller than she is and can walk around the entire pool without the water ever being above their heads. So I got to get in with her, lucky me! The pool temperature is usually starting to be just right for me around Labor day when it's closing.... I was dreading the freezing temps of early June, but Claire was just so excited, how could I not be excited too?! No pictures of this event... it was crazy enough trying to keep track of this fearless baby without worrying about dropping a camera into the pool.

The only problem came when it was time to go home. She just kept yelling over and over, "NO HOME!!"

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