Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Wonderful World of Webkinz

Ryan and Katie have been introduced to the wonderful world of webkinz! If you don't know (yet), Webkinz are stuffed animals that also have an online world where kids can log in and interact with their pet. So Ryan has a little panda and Katie has a little pink poodle and they love going onto the website and checking on them, taking them to the vet, buying them food, playing games, doing jobs, and buying accessories to outfit their "room."

The money they spend is not real money (thank God!) but they earn points/money from answering questions or winning games on the webkinz site. So now in my "free time" ha ha, I'm finding myself sneaking onto the computer to play a quick game and try to earn some extra money so I don't have to hear Ryan lamenting, "I need to buy some more Bamboo Casserole for my panda" or Katie begging to buy Curly a new pink convertible.

It's interesting to see their different approaches to this concept. Ryan saves all his money, takes his pet to the vet every day, gives him a bath and is always worrying that he's hungry, tired, or sick. Katie on the other hand has no money saved up because she's shopping for all kinds of toys and treats for her pet.

1 comment:

Tim Erny said...

We are now consumed by WebKinz. Quiet evenings together (after the kids have gone to bed) have turned into Cloud Burst marathons and WebKinz fundraisers. What's next? Hanna Montanna sheets? High School Musical t-shirts? Someone please help us...

~Daddy (a.k.a. - esteemed grandfather of Jake and Curly)