Saturday, March 20, 2010


Claire has never been a very good napper. For her entire life we've had a weird pick up/drop off school schedule for Ryan and Katie and never a solid chunk of time at home in the afternoons for a good quality nap. So she has always just caught a few moments of rest in the car here and there, when I didn't have any errands to run. She also doesn't want to miss out on anything exciting exciting that the older kids might be doing. So she fights sleep at night too, clutching tightly to my shirt or hair or bra strap (we went from nursing to groping). I lay in her bed for an hour or more each night trying to get her to relax and let sleep take her. And although she's the last one to fall asleep at night, of course she's the first one awake in the morning. She just doesn't seem to need as much sleep as the other kids. Or me.

So it was very odd that she just told that she was feeling tired and wanted to lay down. What? It's 2:00 in the afternoon and she's admitting that she is tired. Finally! I finally wore her out!

Ok, so I just realized I have no pictures of Claire sleeping in her sweet little big girl bed. Seems I've been too busy trying to get her to fall asleep and stay asleep in the bed and haven't had a chance to document the event. Maybe that's because she hasn't actually stayed in her bed for a full night yet. But here she is getting some big brother cuddle time, which is just as sweet as can be!

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