Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Claire wakes up with a smile every morning. She's up earlier than the other kids so we usually have a few quiet minutes of snuggling in bed before Ryan and Katie join us. We sing some songs and tickle, and she whispers in my ear, which is the cutest! And we talk about what we're going to do that day. When the sleepyheads wake up and come tearing down the hall to our room we sing the Good Morning song and then find something to watch on tv so I can get dressed... and a shower if I'm lucky. I think in part of that good morning ritual, me asking her if we're going to have a happy day has stuck in her head because now when she wakes up, the first thing she says is "Happy" And she is. She truly is a happy little baby girl.

I am trying to get her attached to a lovey. Right now I am her lovey, she needs me to fall asleep and to stay asleep. But soon, hopefully very soon, we will shift that need from me to this cute little frog that we have named, what else... Happy. She knows its name, she looks for it and finds it when I ask her where it is. She plays peek-a-boo with it, and builds a house for it with blocks. She does snuggle with it at bedtime, but thus far, she will chuck Happy to the side to get to me.

1 comment:

Tim Erny said...

The frog may be "Happy", but to Claire you are "Ecstatic"!!