Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yummy Treats for Fat Tuesday

We made cookies this morning, a rare occurance around here, mostly because when they're in the house I eat them!! All of them!!! But Claire got this cute little Sesame Street cookbook for Valentine's Day and we decided to make a batch of Chunky Lumpy Bumpy Granola Cookies. As Ryan pointed out, they're Elmo's favorites so they'll definitely be good. They kids have gotten used to their traditional jobs in the kitchen. Katie knows where the flour is and is strong enough now to bring the heavy canister out of the pantry. Ryan gets the mixer out and plugs it in so it's ready to go. They alternate measuring and pouring ingredients and each take a turn holding the hand mixer. Enter Claire. Last time we made cookies she was either napping or not born yet. But she is no wall flower, this one. She desperately wanted in on the action and since Claire usually gets whatever Claire wants...we had to make accommodations for her to participate.

The dough was ready and then we had a major problem... 3 little tongues trying to lick and only 2 beaters!! Oh no!! What a disaster! But since Claire usually gets whatever Claire wants... she just reached right into the bowl and helped herself to the cookie dough.

Then the cookies were happily baking, yes they were happy little cookies, they seemed to know how delicious they looked and smelled. And for 11 minutes, this is what I heard:

Ryan, "10:59, 10:58. 10:57, 10:56... yes, you get the idea..."

Katie, "Can I have 2 or just one? Can I have one after lunch? Can I have one after school?" Laying out her master plan for optimum cookie enjoyment.

Claire, "Doo-key! Doo-key!" Pointing feverishly through the oven door.

And as I turned to the sink to start in on the clean up, I felt a huge snuggly hug on the back of my leg. Oh, is that my sweet little Claire coming to cuddle? No. It's the dog and she's humping my leg. Again. Everyone loves me.

What is the appropriate amount of time to allow cookies to cool before attacking them? 2 minutes? That was long enough for us. Our fingers didn't burn as we picked them off the baking sheet so that was all that mattered. We snuggled on the couch for a couple chapters of Narnia and shared doo-keys all morning.

And in my never ending quest to get out of making dinner, we went to IHOP for a scrumptious meal of free pancakes. One day Ryan will truly eat us into the poor house. That kid has a mean metabolism. Ribs and shoulder blades poking through his skin, toothpick legs, zero body fat, but he packed away 6 pancakes. I have no idea where he put them.


Cathe said...

Terrific story - you really captured the excitement and anticipation of the event. It made me really, really want a doo-key!

Robyn said...

You had me laughing so hard, I had tears comign out of my eyes... :)

Nice running into you at IHOP! Caleb ate 3 pancakes and 5 sausages and a biscuit and some hash browns. Where do these kids put it??

Tim Erny said...

Claire is SO cute! It's awesome to hear her finally talk!

I'm beginning to think that Ryan is going to be a linebacker - he eats a ton of food!