Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Birthday JFK!

Ryan has recently taken an interest in the presidents. A big interest. He's taken it upon himself to learn their names and birthdays, so Happy 91st Birthday JFK! (if you're up in heaven surfing the internet and reading blogs)

You should hear about the big centennial celebration he's planning for LBJ who would have turned 100 on the same day that Ryan turns 6! Very exciting!!

Ryan asks me, "Mommy, will I be good at Kindergarten since I know all the presidents??" um, yeah, last time I checked, that was one of the requirements.


Unknown said...

Now I know what to get Ryan for his birthday (I work right near the National Archives--I'm sure I can find something "presidential" there....

Anonymous said...

Tell Ryan he needs to teach Hunter all about the presidents!! Ryan is so smart I love it:o)